Super-Resolution Summer School
Applications are now open for the 2023 course: apply at rms.org.uk/esric2023
Each year, ESRIC plays host to its annual Super-Resolution Summer School, an advanced imaging training course which takes place over 5 days here in Edinburgh. The course is filled with informal talks from world renowned super-resolution professionals, paired with intensive technology workshops designed to allow participants to apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained and to quiz the application specialists about the practical aspects of performing super-resolution microscopy. The summer school covers all of the available super-resolution imaging systems including single molecule localisation, stimulated emission depletion and structured illumination microscopies, as well as a broader range of expertise surrounding the acquisition which include sample preparation, analysis and standardisation.
The ESRIC Super-Resolution Summer School is aimed at researchers from PhD up to Professor who want to learn more about the techniques, how best to apply them to their research question and to meet fellow scientists in the super-resolution community to exchange knowledge and ideas. The networking aspect of the course is something we value when organising the event, delegates have ample time to connect through social events and also have time to get on-site advice regarding current projects, fields of interest and any other queries.
The summer school is hosted by both the ESRIC facilities at Heriot Watt University and the IGC at the University of Edinburgh in typically runs for 5 days in July. Anyone with prior knowledge of fluorescence microscopy is welcome to apply. The course is resedential as we welcome researchers from across the world each year.
We have welcomed delegates from 30 countries across the globe.
ESRIC runs this exciting opportunity in assossiation with several partners/sponsors. Information on previous years’ summer schools can be found in the ESRIC News section of our website.
We are grateful to all of the sponsors who have run workshops and have helped us fund the course each year. Particular thank yous go to Olympus UK for getting the ESRIC Super-Resolution Summer School off the ground in 2014 and helping us make it a success; the RMS for their support and commitment in our future years; to the Wellcome Trust for their support in 2016 enabling us to support travel bursaries for post-doctorates and to ESRIC’s core funding sources BBSRC, MRC and the Wellcome Trust.