Dr. Jessica Valli manages the Heriot-Watt University ESRIC site at the IB3. She works closely with ESRIC users to optimise and develop their research ideas using state-of-the-art microscopy techniques and organise the annual summer school.
Ann Wheeler
Dr. Ann Wheeler is the facility manager of the University of Edinburgh site at the IGC and works with collaborators to improve imaging samples at super-resolution level. Ann has particular expertise in the use of SIM and single-molecule technologies.
Colin Rickman
Dr Colin Rickman uses state-of-the-art microscopy techniques to study regulated secretion at level of single proteins using advanced localisation and cluster analysis. Colin teaches at the ESRIC Summer School covering SMLM.
Wendy Bickmore
Professor Wendy Bickmore is the Co-Director of ESRIC and Director of the MRC Human Genetics Unit at the IGC, University of Edinburgh. Her research focuses on organisation of the genome in the nucleus using imaging techniques such as SIM.
Matthew Pearson
Matthew Pearson is a technical expert in advanced microscopy and forms part of the IGC advanced imaging team. Matthew has years of hands-on-experience teaching students and post-doctorates and helping them get the most out of their imaging experiments.
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