The 6th instalment of the Super Resolution Summer School brought together 35 students from 15 countries across the globe, including Brazil, Israel, South Africa and South Korea. The week-long programme, which ran 15-19 July 2019, provided access to state-of-the-art technologies at both Heriot Watt University and the University of Edinburgh and the opportunity to learn from experts in the field.
Attendees began the week by learning about the theory of super-resolution microscopy techniques and attending bite-sized workshops; a new addition to the programme for 2019, and hosted by new industry partners Bruker, and Scientific Volume Imaging.
Delegates spent the latter part of the week in groups rotating around sessions led by some of ESRIC’s other industry partners, Leica, Zeiss, Nikon, Andor, Gattaquant and Hamamatsu, and academics Deirdre Kavanagh and Ricardo Henriques, to witness some technology in action. These included Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED), Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM), Super Resolution Radial Fluctuations (SRRF) and some new workshops for 2019 – Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy (SMLM) data analysis, Lattice SIM, Nikon/Yokagowa Super resolution via Optical Re-assignment (SoRa) and the Gattascope.
The ESRIC summer school is made possible through the support of its speakers, industry partners and sponsors which include the Medical Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Wellcome Trust and the Royal Microscopical Society who co-organised the event for a third year running.